Day 3 Choose a Weight loss Program.
Let’s Recap.
I lost 32 Kgs in 5 months before my Marriage. It changed my life. I want you to change your life now.
Day 1 Find 51 reasons why you want to lose weight, (Find Link to Day 1)
Day 2 Get 51 reasons of what happens if you don't lose weight, this will drive you to lose weight. (Find Link to Day 2)
Day 3 Choose a Weight loss Program. There are many reading materials out there. The best I found was this “ Don’t lose your mind, Lose your Weight”
Tip here is having small Goals.
There are different weight loss programs in the market now days.
I took a 15 Kgs weight loss program. Lose 15 kgs in 2 months and I reached it in 1.5 months
Few tips

Cut out all fried foods, sugar and white rice
out of my diet
to six (yep 6) meals a day of finite portions.
Exercised four days a week (5 km (3.2 miles) in
45 mins