

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

The Best Way for Women to Lose Weight

The Best Way for Women to Lose Weight

Losing weight is a hot topic and always will be. Whether you have a lot or a little to lose, you want to know the best way to shed those unwanted pounds. There's a lot of one-size-fits-all advice making the rounds, and it's just not working for women.
The reason that it's not working is because men and women don't lose weight the same way - even when using the same methods. You only have to look at the difference in a man and a woman's distribution of fat cells to understand this.
A woman tends to have all over body issues when it comes to the distribution of fat - from the neck to the arms to the midsection to the thighs. A man generally gains most of his weight in his belly, but everyone is unique, so you can't generalize too much.
The Role of Your Metabolism in Weight Loss
You can watch what you eat and work out just as hard as the next person and find yourself struggling to shed every single pound. A body's metabolic makeup is one of the reasons that people differ in how quickly they can take off excess weight.
When it comes to metabolism, there is no level playing field here. For example, men easily lose weight faster than a woman because their muscle mass plays into how fast their metabolism works.
It doesn't seem fair, but that's the way it is. Your metabolism is the way that the food you eat gets turned into energy. Your metabolism is what uses your calorie intake.
So, depending on how fast or slow your metabolism rate is, you'll either burn calories quickly - or you won't. There are three main things that determine how well your metabolism will help you lose weight.
The first is whether or not you're a man or a woman. Despite thoughts to the contrary, men actually have less body fat than women. This is the case because with rare exceptions, men carry more muscle on their bodies than a woman does.
Men are often more focused on having muscles than women are. The more muscles that you have, the easier it is for your metabolism to work for you, burning calories.
If you have less fat - along with having a great muscle mass - then whenever you try to lose weight, you'll do if faster than someone who doesn't have those advantages.
This is why women can struggle to lose ten pounds over the course of a month and a man can drop it in a couple of weeks. Your bone structure also plays a part in how fast your metabolism works.
The bigger boned a person is, the quicker he or she will burn calories because of a faster metabolism. People that have a larger bone structure will also burn more calories while they're sleeping because their resting metabolism is faster.
Age also plays a part in how fast your metabolism will help you to burn calories. When you grow older, your metabolism slows down due to the changes that take place in your body.
Even if you're sedentary, your metabolism will burn calories, but you'll fare better with weight loss if you're exercising consistently - regardless of whether you're a man or a woman.
Avoid Quick Fixes
It can be very tempting to focus your weight loss on whatever rapid diet fad is floating around. But a quick fix isn't really a fix at all because the weight loss doesn't last for the long haul.
Most quick fixes are fad diets that involve cutting out complete food groups or eating weird foods that smell or taste horrific. If you eliminate entire food groups, your body isn't getting the nutrients that it needs.
You may also end up severely limiting calorie intake. When your calorie intake becomes too limited, your metabolism will slow down because your body will go into preservation mode.
Any diet that claims it has a miracle solution to all of your weight loss needs isn't being truthful. If there were such an easy fix, everyone would use it. There are scammers that will eagerly prey on your desire to lose weight.
These quick fixes create a yo-yo effect. You'll lose weight, but it will come right back. And when quickly lost weight returns, it often brings with it more pounds than you originally lost.
Not only that, but quick fixes can be dangerous to your health - especially if they're extreme. Any quick fix that involves dangerous methods should be avoided.
By using safe methods, you can lose weight and you'll be healthier while doing it. You can tell if a method is a quick fix with phony claims if it promises dramatic results overnight or in a very short time period for a huge amount of weight. There's no such thing as overnight weight loss.

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