

Thursday 27 November 2014

Thanksgiving - Diet

                                                           Thanksgiving - Diet
Every year, the same holidays come and go. We have our traditional foods for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. Some years I have struggled because I was on some kind of a special diet and couldn't ("shouldn't") eat some of those traditional things. I still *wanted* them, but some years I made do with substitutes.

When I was counting calories, I used low fat cream of mushroom soup in the green beans, made gravy without any fat drippings, ate only white meat, and didn't put butter in the stuffing. When I was low carbing, stuffing was completely off limits as were the sweet potatoes, pies, and dinner rolls. On Medifast, there were none of the traditional sides... but I could have turkey and plain green beans and mashed cauliflower. Going gluten-free means the stuffing, pies, and rolls would need substitutions, and on AIP there would be nothing in my traditional menu that I could eat except turkey, plain steamed green beans, and baked plain sweet potatoes.

As I was planning for Thanksgiving dinner this week, with the kids coming home and expecting their favorite dishes, I contemplated just what to do with my menu. Some of it is easy: roasted turkey is always great for everyone, and I can make the gravy gluten-free and low fat easily. I can mash potatoes and bake dinner rolls and pies for the kids and not eat any. But what about the rest? Green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, Snicker salad... all can be made healthier as I discovered my first year blogging. My big decision was whether to try and make those things gluten-free and/or AIP compliant. I still have not returned to the AIP elimination phase and I have not been all that careful about gluten this week either.

I decided to just make them healthier and enjoy smaller portions. It's not so much because I want those foods *so badly*. My favorite Thanksgiving food is stuffing. Everything else I can take or leave. I just don't care enough about those foods to do all the extra work to make them AIP/gluten free, when I am 1) the only here who cares and 2) the only one doing all the cooking and associated work. I am going to make this as easy and non-labor-intensive for myself as possible and enjoy the time with my family, along with some turkey, gravy, green beans, and stuffing. If I feel like having other things I'll have them in moderation. It's one day. I am not going to stress over it trying to be perfect when I am not perfect any other day anyway. I want the focus to be not on the food, but on family and gratitude. That is what will bring me joy... not the food.

I hope all of you will take time on Thanksgiving Day to reflect on what you are thankful for, enjoy the positive things and beloved people in your life. I am thankful for my family and my home, for my friends and for all of the wonderful people I have met blogging. You make the world a better place by your kindness! I thank you and truly believe you will be blessed for the way you have lifted me up in my times of difficulty, with your words, your thoughts, your prayers. I am so happy to be associated with so many people with good kind hearts and I hope I can somehow return the kindness to you, and I pray blessings on your families! Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Amazing Weight loss strategies for Brides

Losing weight is an ongoing battle for Brides specially.. Fighting those cravings and hunger pangs are something most people deal with on a daily basis. Even after you lose the fat, it can be difficult to keep it off with the many temptations lurking at every corner. Yet, many people are able to successfully lose pounds and keep them off for life. These people don’t usually follow a specific diet or fad, but do what works best for them and their bodies, in order to achieve their weight loss goals.

To get you started, or encourage you along the way, we are sharing some great weight loss tips that have worked for countless to be brides who have lost the weight and kept it off. Pick and choose your favorites. Try a new one every week. Keep the ones that work for you, and ditch the ones that don’t. The main point is that if you adopt even just one of these strategies every month, by this time next year, you will be thinner and healthier.

Healthy eating tips

The healthy eating tips below could go a long way to make you weight loss strategies a success
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  1. Keep a water bottle with you all day that has eight elastic bands around it. Each time you get to a band, remove one elastic. By the end of the day you should have removed them all. That will give you your fat-fighting water requirement for the day.
  2. Prepare for the day or week by apportioning out snacks into individual plastic bags. That way when you reach for some cheese, or even want a little treat, you won’t be tempted to eat the whole box!
  3. Also prepare for meals. Many people have successfully gotten pounds off by using either ready-made frozen meals, or by making their own portioned meals for the week. There are thousands of ideas out there if you look – salads in a jar, freezing marinated meat and veggies for sandwiches. That way you’re always ready for a meal and never starving.
  4. Go around the plate. One tip that works for a lot of people is starting with one food on their plate, or a particular section that looks appealing. Once you have had enough of that part of your meal, move onto the next food or area. Once you finish with one thing, consider it done and don’t eat any more.
  5. Don’t drink your calories. Switching to drinking only water alone can help you lose one or more pounds per week without making any other changes!
  6. Drink before, after and between. Drinking a cup of water before and after meals can help a long way in keeping you full. Drinking between bites – whether it’s water or your favorite low-calorie beverage – can help even more! That way your stomach is being filled
  7. Snap a Pic. A big emerging trend for foodies is taking pictures of elegant meals that they have eaten. But this can be a beneficial practice for dieters too! Snapping a photograph of what you’ve eaten during the day can give you a good idea of your diet. Even if you don’t know the calorie counts, you can gauge whether to eat less tomorrow, or put extra time into your workout.
  8. Plan for failure. When you do overeat, plan what you will do. Planning for slip-ups that may or may not happen will help you deal. Saying that you’ll fit in an extra 10 minutes of workout every day to negate the extra calories is better than giving up completely!
  9. Follow the plate rule. Fill one half your plate with fruits or veggies, ¼ with carbohydrates or starches and ¼ with protein. This can be done when you’re making bigger casseroles or other one pot meals as well.
  10. Find low-calorie replacements. Many dieters have success because they find lower calorie recipes of their favorite foods. Love stir fries with noodles? Try using bean sprouts or spaghetti squash instead. Can’t live without taco night? Try black beans instead of meat and big lettuce leaves instead of fajita. Be creative and search online for ideas – there are thousands

Workout Tips

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  1. Make your own challenges. Workouts can get boring quickly, but making yourself mini-challenges along the way can help. When one weight-loss success story went to the gym, he would scope out the person working the hardest and try to beat them in his own workout.
  2. Get it done. Jumping out of bed and working out may seem like a radical idea for some people. But for many it has worked well. Getting up early and getting in even just 20 minutes of exercise can make a huge difference in your waistline.
  3. Stop and…jump. Min bursts of exercise are as effective of one workout done all at once. If you are very time limited, then breaking up your workout into 2 chunks or even doing 5 minute spurts throughout the day all adds up to more calories burned.
  4. Have an emergency workout plan. If you can’t get to the gym or out for your daily run, have a few backup options ready. A workout video, exercise machine or some bodyweight circuit exercises are some good suggestions.
  5. Set your stuff up beforehand. Always work out the best way to implement your weight loss strategies. If you are working out at home, make sure to have a set area for your exercise equipment. If you’re heading to the gym after work, keep your gym bag in the car or next to you at work. It will be easier to get started if everything is right there in front of you.

Positivity Tips

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  1. Just keep going. Inevitably there will usually be some pitfalls along the way. Even those who are able to lose weight quickly and successfully usually face some sort of challenge along the way. Whether it be a difficult life event, or having eaten too much cheesecake, so try to stay positive. Most people who have hit their goals say that they were successful because they didn’t let little slips stop them.
  2. Use Visualisation. Visualise yourself at your goal. Athletes often use this strategy when training, and it works for fat loss or fitness too. People who do visualisation exercises everyday tend to lose more than people who do not.
  3. Watch your progress. Sometimes you can get so caught up in reaching your goal, you might forget how far you’ve come. Keeping pictures of yourself along the way has helped many dieters see their progress and how far they have gone on their journey to the quickest way to lose weight.
  4. Make it visual. A lot of dieters find they feel encouraged when they can see a visual of their pounds lost. Many keep two jars next to each other – one filled with stones, each one representing a pound they wish to lose. When one pound is lost, it goes into the second jar.
  5. Throw out old clothes. Either give away or trash your old ‘fat’ clothes. Doing so can help you see your level of success. Make an attempt to let go of your former self. Many dieters find this also adds an extra incentive to not gain back the pounds – you’ll have no old clothes.
  6. Celebrate each victory, no matter how small. Whether it’s losing a pound or finally being able to lift heavier, celebrate every small victory. Treat yourself to a non-food luxury like taking a bath or having a night out with friends. Even if you tell no one why you’re celebrating, you’ll feel great and want to keep going.
There is always a feeling of some pride when you manage to achieve a particular feat. Trying to lose weight quickly could be a very daunting task to many. But, by adopting the right weight loss strategies and taking steps to implement them effectively, your journey to the quickest way to lose weight will not be in vain.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

1 minute work out for Bride - Weight loss

We need 30 minutes a day of moderate intensity physical activity, according to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. It’s a great goal but it can feel unattainable for many people. If you’re new to exercise, jumping from zero to 30 minutes EVERY DAY can feel as daunting as being asked to run a marathon. This is especially true if you have no idea where to start or what to do for those 30 minutes.
Even for experienced exercisers there are days with back-to-back meetings or when the alarm doesn’t go off – again. Exercise can get pushed off the plate to balance out the daily demands on our time. With the holidays upon us, time for workouts becomes even more precious and scarce then usual. Rookie or pro, we can all fall into the “all or nothing” trap.
By the time I drive to the gym, I’ll just have to turn around and come right back. If I can’t get my whole workout in why even bother?
I can’t walk on the treadmill for FIVE minutes, how am I supposed to do 30? Where am I even going to find 30 minutes in my day?

If the “all or nothing” mentality is holding you back from getting your daily workout, I’ve got good news for you. The latest research says our minimum dose of exercise may be lower than we once thought. A recent study in the journal Lancet looked at exercise patterns and life expectancy of over 400,000 men and women. They found that as little as 15 minutes a day provided health benefits and reduced all cause mortality.
Exercise professionals know that it doesn’t have to be a consecutive amount of exercise to gain the associated health benefits. In an attempt to get our 30 minutes a day, fitness professionals have long preached breaking up workouts into five or ten minute segments. If five minutes multiple times a day works, why not do it one minute at a time?
If you stopped for one minute each hour for some form of physical activity it could add up to 15 or more minutes a day. So what can you do in a minute? Here are some ideas to get you moving all day long, a minute at a time.
Plank a Day: I love planks because they engage almost every muscle in the body. This is often the first piece of homework I give new clients because it’s achievable at ANY skill level. If my clients are pressed for time or traveling they will agree they can at least find time for one plank first thing in the morning or right before bed.
Stairs: When taking the stairs don’t go straight to your destination. If you’re headed to the second or third floor, turn around and go back down when you get there. Repeat this process until your minute is up.
Burpee Challenge: Challenge yourself to see how many burpees you can do in a minute (with good form). Burpees are another example of an exercise that works multiple muscle groups plus they are a great way to get your heart rate up. You can also keep the challenge fresh by increasing the complexity of your burpee by adding a push-up at the bottom or using dumbbells and adding a shoulder press at the top.
Squat/Push-Up Ladder: Ladders are one of my favorite techniques for time-saving workouts. Start with one body weight squat, followed by one push-up. Then do two squats, followed by two push-ups. Next are three squats and three push-ups. Keep going “up the ladder” alternating exercises until you get to 5 repetitions each or you reach the one minute mark. If you have time left at 5 repetitions, then start back down the ladder until you run out of time.
Turkish Get Ups: The Turkish Get Up is a full-body kettlebell exercise that will also get your heart rate up. Practice first when you have more time and without a weight to get your technique down on this complex exercise. Keep your kettlebell handy so you can stop and do 2-4 Turkish Get Ups per side. I love this exercise because it also mimics a very important test of strength – getting up from the ground unassisted. People who can get up from the ground without help or using their hands live longer than those who can’t.
Giving yourself permission to workout for only ONE minute is also a great way to convince yourself to exercise when you don’t really feel like it. We can do just about anything for one minute, right? Odds are that once you start moving you might just keep going for the whole 15 minutes you need in your day.

Monday 24 November 2014

5 Food Habits to Practice When You Want to Lose Weight

5 Food Habits to Practice When You Want to Lose Weight

There's a reason that grocery stores put all of the tempting foods at eye level and within easy reach. We like things easy and fast and when we see our favorite fattening foods, it can override our willpower.

It's even worse if we're tired, moody or bored. How tired we are, how we feel and what we're experiencing can influence food choices. Denial can also be an issue when you're thinking of changing your food habits in order to lose weight.

When most women hear the word "diet," they immediately start thinking about all of the foods they can no longer eat. Losing weight is not as much about denying yourself food as it is simply choosing to eat more good foods over the less healthy ones.

The first food habit to practice is to plan for successful weight loss. This means that you don't want to have the foods that are your weakness within easy reach. You don't want to avoid them altogether because the more off limits a food is, the more your body will have a craving for it.
If you have certain foods that are your weakness, you should still buy them, but get them only in single serving sizes. 


The second food habit to adopt is to use portion control.
We tend to underestimate the size of the portions on our plate and it can be too easy to stay in that super sized mindset. It's always better to measure out portions.

The third food habit is to learn how you're sabotaging yourself. You should ask yourself if you're truly hungry or if you're reaching for something simply because it's your fallback mechanism kicking in.
Your fallback mechanism is what you rely on when you're feeling down or worried about something or you simply have the munchies. This is when you can eat more than you intended.

The fourth food habit is to fit your weight loss eating plan into your lifestyle. This is the area that trips up many women who want to lose weight. They plan out all of their meals at home, but fail to plan for the times when they might be working late or out with friends.
It can be too tempting to think that you've blown it for one night so you might as well over-eat. Figure out ahead of time what you're going to do to eat healthy for the times when you can't make it home by dinner.

The fifth food habit is to monitor your hunger level. When you get hungry, this can cause you to override all of your good intentions. Keep healthy snacks on hand and eat more often than you normally would.
You can break up three large meals into six smaller ones. Not only will you feel fuller all day, but you'll eat better and keep your metabolism revved up to burn more calories.

Sunday 23 November 2014

5 Medical Weight-Loss Solutions That Can Help You Lose Weight

Are you trying to lose weight, but you just don’t know which medical weight-loss solution is the best?
We’re going to present and explain 5 basic solutions, hoping that you will be able to pick the right one for you!

What Exactly is Medical Weight Loss?

Before we go any further, let’s answer the question: What exactly do we mean by the term “medical weight loss”? Loosely speaking, we mean the treatment of obesity that is based on established science. But to be more specific, let’s consult our favorite oracle, Wikipedia.
Wikipedia calls it bariatrics, and it gives it the following definition:
Bariatrics is the branch of medicine that deals with the causes, prevention, and treatment of obesity.

What Types of Medical Weight-Loss Solutions Are There?

Obesity can be treated in several different ways, in which exercise and dieting are the two most common medical weight-loss solutions. But there are three more: Pharmaceuticals, surgery and behavioral therapy. If we put the 5 of them in order of how popular they are, it looks like this:
  1. Dieting
  2. Exercise
  3. Pharmaceuticals
  4. Bariatric surgery
  5. Behavioral therapy
Let’s dig deeper into each one.

1. Dieting

There are literally thousands of diets, all claiming to do miracles. Don’t believe them! Instead, read up on the diet you are interested in and use your common sense and logical thinking. If it’s still an interesting option, try it! But don’t forget to evaluate the effects once every one or two weeks. You will learn a ton by studying, thinking, trying, and evaluating (in that order).
A medical weight-loss diet that I believe could be helpful is the Cohen diet. It’s an individually adapted diet, based on your levels of three weight-affecting hormones. The levels of these hormones are measured by analyzing your blood, and if they are out of balance, you are likely struggling with your weight. Through a proper Cohen diet, you can force the hormones back into balance and thereby get a much better chance of actually losing weight.

2. Exercise

Since the essence of losing weight is to burn more calories than you consume, exercise is important (along with the food you eat). A lot can be said on this subject as the number of theories on how to best work out is as many as there are sports and activities to choose from.
Our advice would be (as usual) to use your common sense, and also to pick an activity that you enjoy. It will be so much easier to motivate yourself to work out if you think it’s fun than if you hate it.
So, if you enjoy tennis, go play tennis! If you love swimming, go swimming! I think you get the point…

3. Pharmaceuticals

There are an endless number of drugs and pills that promise fast and effective results. You have probably received your fair share of promotional emails selling these things. But even though most of these products are trash, there are some that actually works.
A few of these products are becoming more and more popular. Things like lipotropic injections and body wraps are now selling more than ever. Other pharmaceuticals – like l-carnitine and metformin – are also starting to stir up some interest in the weight-loss community.
But in general, you should steer clear from these types of products. They are most often not the solution to your problems.

4. Bariatric Surgery

If neither dieting nor exercise seem to help (and not any magic pill for that matter), many obese people turn to bariatric surgery. It is often seen as a last resort, as morbid obesity is very unhealthy and dangerous (and definitely life-shortening). For extremely overweight individuals, bariatric surgery can be an effective method, and that’s why it is growing in popularity.
Modern medicine is constantly getting better and safer, but you should be aware that there are still risks involved with this type of surgery.
Another thing to keep in mind is that before and after undergoing this type of surgery, a medical weight-loss diet must always be followed.
Three of the most common surgical procedures are:
  • Sleeve gastrectomy – The size of the stomach is permanently reduced to about 15% of its original size. Before and after undergoing a sleeve gastrectomy, a special diet must be followed.
  • Gastric bypass – The stomach is bypassed by creating a small pouch and connecting it to the intestines. When doing a gastric bypass, you need to stick to this diet.
  • Gastric banding – A silicone band is placed around the upper part of the stomach, which restricts the intake of food.
There are several more bariatric procedures apart from these three. You can read more about them here.

Hypnotherapy Weight Loss5. Behavioral Therapy

Another solution to our weight-loss problems is to change how we think and act when it comes to food and exercise.
Because habits play such an important role in our lives, breaking bad habits and replacing them with good and healthy habits can make a huge difference. In life in general, and in losing weight in particular.
But how do we do to change our habits? Willpower works for a while, but only so far. For the long run, you need something bigger than willpower. You need a change in mindset. And to change your mindset that will allow you to lose weight sustainably, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can be of great service.
CBT is just one form of therapy. There are others. For example hypnosis. Yes, that’s right. Hypnosis can actually help you in changing the way you think of food and weight loss.

Saturday 22 November 2014

Effective Weight Loss Tips & Techniques for Women

Every now and then, we all want to lose some weight. It would be easier to lose weight, if we understood our bodies better. Women and men’s bodies are physiologically different. So, we have different fat storage patterns, hormones, psychology and a lot more. All of these affect the way women gain weight and so understanding them, would help you lose weight too. Besides weight loss, it will also be helpful in improving your overall health & overall fitness.
Fat Storage Patterns among Women
To start with, let’s understand how women put on weight and their common fat storage patterns. There are 2 most common body shapes among women – apple and pear. Typically, most women range between apple and pear shapes based on how their body stores fat. Apple shape refers to those, who primarily store fat on torsos and bellies. Pear shape refers to those people women primarily store fat on their lower half.
Implication of your body shape: Research has shown that people who store weight around their bellies are at higher risk of heart disease. This puts ‘apple’ shaped women at a higher risk of lifestyle diseases.
Myth of body shape: But there is a myth that people with certain body shapes should follow a particular lifestyle pattern of diet and exercise to lose weight.
Your body shape is your body’s pattern of storing fat. If your body stores fat around hips and thighs, then those are what you could call your ‘problem areas’. And this is primarily dependent on the physiology of your body. Regardless of where the fat is being stored, the point is that, to lose the fat around your problem area, you need to burn it.
Doing a particular exercise or eating a certain kind of diet will not change your body’s physiology. But if you lose weight and burn fat, your body will naturally reduce the fat stored in your body, and thus in your problem area.
Below are the points that as women you should consider to have a balanced and healthy daily diet to lose weight.
  1. Skip your daily tea/coffee and replace it with black tea. Avoid sugar completely and replace it with honey, add a dash of lemon to it for taste.
  2. Instead of oily snacks and biscuits enjoy your cup of tea with seasonal fruits for your daily dose of vitamins and minerals.
  3. Include more protein in your diet. Lean meats, soy, low fat dairy, eggs and nuts are some of the common sources of protein. Protein rich diet is more filling, thus reducing hunger and makes you consume fewer calories.
  4. Avoid white bread as it is made using refined flour. Eating white bread makes your blood sugar spike (higher risk of diabetes) and store fat, it does not satisfy your hunger and makes you eat more at each meal.
  5. Control the portion of rice in your daily meals. Ideally, it should only occupy 25-30 per cent of your plate. The rest should be for vegetables, proteins and other foods, for a balanced meal.
  6. Adopt healthy cooking habits in your daily life. Avoid frying, instead try baking, steaming, broiling your dishes. Healthy cooking methods can help preserve nutrients in the food apart from making it delectable.
  7. With their busy morning schedules, some women tend to forget the most important meal of the day, breakfast. No matter how busy you are, make sure you have your breakfast. Starting your day with a healthy breakfast helps in controlling cravings at odd hours. Eggs, whole wheat bread, poha, fruit and yogurt smoothies, etc. are some of the healthy options that can be made in jiffy for breakfast.
  8. Apart from this, having a balanced lunch and dinner is equally important to lose weight. Make sure you limit the intake of food that are rich in simple carbohydrate.
  9. If you cannot do without your mid meal snacks, then go for fruits, almonds, green tea instead of chips and cookies to keep your weight in check.
Weight Loss & Fitness Exercises for Women
We all lead busy lives, some with more physical activity than others. Many women hardly get any time to exercise, in their bid to juggle between household chores and professional life, which often leads to weight gain.
But if you can spare just fifteen minutes everyday to add a punch of physical activity in your routine, you can keep annoying fat storage in your body at bay. For healthy and toned body, women should focus on doing the below provided exercises. These exercises especially focus on the common weight gain problem areas for women.
  • Lunges and Squats are the best exercises for working out both inner and outer thigh. Lunges improve your everyday movements’ performance besides sculpting your legs. Add variation like side lunges, lunges with rotation or even dumbbell lunges to hail additional benefits. Dumbbell lunges works especially on ‘core’ muscles (i.e. abs, oblique’s, lower back) to help core strengthening as well.
Belly Exercise: Belly and love handles remain a common area of concern among women. Try these simple belly exercises at home to get perfectly toned abs.
  • Seal Jumps are an excellent cardiovascular exercise. It increases your heart rate, and includes full body movement. Your legs, arms and core are all working during this movement. You can perform 3-5 sets of 10-15 repetitions each.
Additionally, women should include some cardio training in their workout. Including cardio in the form of aerobic or running in your daily workout makes your heart work more. It helps pump blood to the heart, which keeps your heart stronger and healthier. 30 minutes of running or aerobics can burn approximately 300 calories. Proper cardio training can help you not only burn effective calories but also to prevent injury.
Daily exercise can do a lot more than keeping your weight in check. It burns excess fat & calories, strengthens muscles, protects bones, improves bone density, improves nutrient absorption, balances hormone levels and most importantly keeps you active throughout the day.
Fitho founder & fitness expert, Prachi says, “Being a mom and a working professional, I have a packed day. I start my day with 10-15 minutes of exercise. Being healthy is not just for me. If I’m healthy, I will have more energy & be able to manage my life better. When it comes to food, I eat regular food along with the occasional indulgence, but just make sure to control my portions.”
So, regardless of the shape of your body and how it stores fat, for you to lose weight, what is most important is that you burn the fat. Just get on a proper weight-loss plan consisting of diet and exercise. It’s that simple.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Ways to Burn the Most Calories to Lose Weight for young Brides

Ways to Burn the Most Calories to Lose Weight for Young brides

What do you usually do every day to release energy in the body? There are many simple but very effective ways that you do not expect such as walking, drinking green tea, and eating many meals... You should properly apply them to burn the most calories to lose weight effectively.

Exercising is the best and simplest way to burn calories. Whenever you have free time, you should go jogging, walk, climb stairs, or take a walk in the park... That period is the very time you burn the most calories. With each minute walk, you can burn 3 - 4 calories.
However, to burn more calories, you should occasionally run small steps instead of walking. This will help change the heartbeat and stimulate the calorie burning in the body. Besides, it also helps you have a healthier and sexier body.
Do housework
On holidays and weekends, you often have the habit of staying in bed late or relaxing, but you need to abandon this bad habit if you want to burn calories. You should turn on music loudly and start cleaning the house, and cooking... instead. The chores will help you burn lots of calories, relieve stress, and enjoy life more.
Participate in social activities
If you have spare time, you should participate in social activities, volunteer works or an exchange meeting with people. Maybe it will consume much of your time but it is also an effective way to help you burn calories.
You should be open, talk with people, and enthusiastically participate in group games so that you not only release energy in the body and feel happier, but also expand the communication and relationship with people around. Cutting two trees with one saw, why don't you try?
Eat many meals
You do not think wrongly that when you eat many meals, your body will be loaded with too much energy. According to many studies, to burn more calories, you should eat every 3 hours. It does not mean that you eat all the time but it means the interval between meals is 3 hours. You should eat foods containing abundant fiber, protein, and healthy fats. You eat just enough to keep you from gaining weight and maintain energy for the body.
In addition, during meals, you should eat slowly and chew thoroughly because it not only helps you enjoy the taste of the dish but it is also "the gentlest exercise" of the teeth helping to burn excess calories in the body.
Drink green tea regularly
One study showed that you can burn 35-43% of fat in the body when drinking 3-5 cups of green tea every day. A cup of hot green tea after meals not only helps the stomach to digest food faster but also can burn 100 kcal in the body.
Green tea also help to lose weight through three main mechanisms: enhancing the metabolism,
increasing the fat burning, and decreasing the fat storage in the body. Therefore, you should not forget to enjoy a cup of green tea after every meal.
